Cooperation between the Georgian Bar Association and the American Bar Association (ABA) is increesing
10 October 2023
Georgian Bar Association was visited by the head of the Rule of Law Mission of the American Bar Association (ABA) in Europe and Eurasia. David Rubino, together with ABA representatives, met with the... More

David Asatiani is participating in the 7th Legal Forum held in Astana
6 October 2023
Davit Asatiani presented at the forum with a report on the monopoly of advocacy and shared his Georgian experience with the forum participants. More
David Asatiani held a meeting with the students in Kutaisi
20 September 2023
The Chairman of the Georgian Bar Association held a meeting with the students of the Akaki Tsereteli State University and Kutaisi University Law Faculty in Kutaisi and congratulated them on the start... More

With the support of the Embassy of the USA, a study tour was held for lawyers in the Wisconsin state
22 August 2023
With the support and organization of the Embassy of the United States of America, a training tour was held in the state of Wisconsin for lawyers of the Georgian Bar Association and Legal Aid Service o... More

The Georgian Bar Association hosted representatives of the justice system of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan
14 August 2023
The Georgian Bar Association hosted representatives of the justice system of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Among the members of the foreign delegation were representatives of the legal profession, the Mi... More

Training of trainers was conducted for representatives of the GBA and the LAS
31 July 2023
Within the framework of the cooperation between the Georgian Bar Association and the United States Embassy (INL), a 4-day in-depth training of trainers was held for the representatives of the Bar Asso... More

A meeting was held with the Director of the Georgia Program of the American Solidarity Center in the Bar Association
21 July 2023
A meeting was held with the director of the Georgia program of the American Solidarity Center - Stanislav Cieniuch. Within the framework of the meeting, the executive director of the Georgian Bar Asso... More

The conference was held on the topic - "The Importance of Juries and Civil Involvement in Georgia"
14 July 2023
With the support of the US Embassy and the organization of the Association of Participants of American Government Exchange Programs of Georgia (EPAG), the conference was held on the topic - "The... More